June 2024 Workshop

Our July 2024 Workshop: Face Your Fear

Whether you're trying to manifest love, health or money (or something even more spectacular), did you know one of your biggest manifestation blocks is always fear?


Fear is a sneaky emotion.

You might feel consciously afraid and you might not have that quaking-in-yer-boots feeling.

But fear is one of our biggest blocks.

Underneath your procrastination and excuses, fear of the unknown (or failure etc) is often the true culprit behind our own toxic patterns and self-sabotage.

The funny thing about fear is that it's damn good at keeping us stuck and frustrated. 

Fear looooves it when we don't notice it. That way, it stays powerful and in control.

The key to changing your magnetism is noticing your fears and changing your fear-based patterns. Because if we let fear rule over us, we'll only continue the cycles of self-sabotage and low self-worth.

(And personally, I don't want ANY of that energy!!)

If you're serious about manifesting your most extraordinary life (with the hot dude/babe, the shoe collection that makes you giddy, the bank account that makes you feel powerful) then you've also got to get a handle on all the unique ways that your fear is holding you back.

And in this workshop, we'll do exactly that!

What You'll Learn In This Workshop:

  • Learn why fear is one of your biggest manifestation blocks (Even if you don't think you're afraid of anything!)
  • Find out why as a human you're simply hardwired to live in fear (Nope, you're not a wimp nor are you just overly negative!)
  • Discover how fear disguises itself in order to control you (So you can start noticing when it happens & get control back.)
  • Find out more about the core human fears and how they might show up for you. (Awareness is the first step to healing!)
  • Get some practical healing modalities for both fear and manifestation, through hypnosis and EET (Yes, this will help tremendously with anxiety as well!)
  • Get motivated to move past your fears (But don't worry! It's NOT about becoming perfect & fearless. This is real tangible practical advice everyone can use.)
  • Plus much more!

Click here to access the workshop!

Please note this workshop is a part of heal'd studio for July 2024

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